Visionairy pricing

Adapt your licence plan to your needs. Each of our licence plans incudes full access to Visonairy solution,
so you just have to select the credit volume that matches your needs.

€ 3 600 /year

Ideal to easily test new vision projects or maintain app.

Sign up for free
20,000 credits /year

✔ Full access to LAB software
✔ Full access to RUN software
✔ Unlimited number of vision project
✔ Unlimited number of users
✔ Software support, maintenance & training
✔ 20,000 credits per year

Go to prod
€ 9 600 /year

Ideal to deploy your first vision project in production.

Sign up for free
100,000 credits /year

✔ Full access to LAB software
✔ Full access to RUN software
✔ Unlimited number of vision project
✔ Unlimited number of users
✔ Software support, maintenance & training
✔ 100,000 credits per year

€ 18 000 /year

Ideal to scale out your vision projects and spread AI-vision.

Sign up for free
500,000 credits /year

✔ Full access to LAB software
✔ Full access to RUN software
✔ Unlimited number of vision project
✔ Unlimited number of users
✔ Software support, maintenance & training
✔ 500,000 credits per year

€ 24 000 /year

Ideal to scale vision projects across multiple factories.

Sign up for free
1,000,000 credits /year

✔ Full access to LAB software
✔ Full access to RUN software
✔ Unlimited number of vision project
✔ Unlimited number of users
✔ Software support, maintenance & training
✔ 1,000,000 credits per year


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